Pioneer Woman Cooks - Sweet-Roasted Rosemary Acorn Squash
and this: Uggh, Martha.
But in the end I mixed butter(nobody will be upset if you sub vegan margarine or olive oil) and brown sugar, used a bit of dried rosemary (I'm too lazy to go downstairs and grab the rosemary growing by the pool), salt, pepper and 1 shallot chopped coarsely. The last time I roasted acorn squash, I only used brown sugar and butter and it was certainly delicious. This time, however I wanted a little more flavor, and I was pleased with the results.
Note about roasting squash: A lot of recipes will have the acorn squash just cut in half so that a delicious pool of brown sugar and butter forms in the middle...that's what I did last time, and its great for dipping, but we found the process of eating it just too messy. Its really up to you.
As a side, my own favorite quinoa with walnuts and onions.
Speaking of quinoa, this morning I made something different for breakfast: Quinoa Porridge. Its very good, but I never add any extras until the end of my cooking. Heat can destroy vanilla especially. I have heard that adding sugar affects the way grains cook(no idea if its true), so just to be safe I left that out until the end, too. Besides, it's always better to sweeten something after you've tasted it. Its really hearty, and great topped with thawed frozen berries. One recipe equals about one serving, or two small ones.
Yes, I made the bowl, too. |