Monday, August 15, 2011

Annual Rose Garden Trip

I know I did this last year, but I really really love visiting the rose garden here in Portland.  This year, since we've been having a milder summer (a.k.a. a complete dud!), different flowers were blooming than last.  Some weren't blooming at all; this was the case with my favorite, Rouge Royale.
"Black Jade"

"Carding Mill"

"Lady of Shalott"
"Reba McEntire"

 White Clematis



Bzzzz... "Monkey Business"

"First Prize"


"Si" Micro Mini
"Carding Mill" - Probably my favorite of this year.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Midnight snack II...

Attention science geeks, stoners, pregnant women, and Portal fans:  Holy shit, you can make cake in a mug.  In minutes.  Yes you can.  No, really, you can.

How does it taste?  We liked it.  Not as good as regular cake, kinda spongy, chocolatey.  I admit it would probably be 100 times better with chocolate chips, as the recipe suggests.  Some reviewers say there is too much cocoa; this may be true as it was quite strong.  Don't try to cut out any sugar, it won't taste right.  And don't burn your tongue, it's pretty hot.